"...she was a calming and encouraging presence throughout..."
Birth Doula
Postpartum Doula
Body Balancing for Birth
Birth Doula Mentorship
Phone/email support from time of hire up to 3 months postpartum
2 prenatal visits (~ 2 hours long; in person or virtual)
monthly group prenatal sessions held by a rotation of doulas at the Madison Doula Collective
virtual meetings as needed to discuss concerning topics (i.e. what to expect with an induction; potential complications)
On call starting at 38 weeks
Continuous birth support (beginning when you want me to arrive and up to 2 hours after baby is born)
1 postpartum visit (~ 1 hour; in person or virtual)
access to lending library
Labor notes and non professional photos, if desired
Postpartum for birth doula clients
Emotional and physical support (including rest for you!!!)
Listen to your birth story/journey to having baby
Newborn care (feeding, diapering, soothing, baby wearing)
Discuss and problem solve areas feeling most stressful
Light housework/errands/meal prep
access to lending library
access to trying out different baby carriers
Body Balancing for Birth
Birth Doula Mentorship
"...Denise goes above and beyond and has a calming presence about her..."